The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3331511
Posted By: Bat Goddess
31-Mar-12 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Spaw, I'm definitely passing your comment on to Tom...

Things took a little longer at the surgeon's yesterday than we anticipated...nothing wrong, just lots of waiting in between things. His cast was removed...and we waited...Tom got new x-rays taken and we waited...concern was expressed over a painful red spot on his knee (probably from contact with the deck when he slipped)...and we waited...another specialist came in...and we waited...Dr. Blitzer came in...and we waited...the knee problem wasn't with the bone or anything that would show on x-ray...waited some more...Tom got a new lighter weight cast...and we were turned loose.

Since it was as late as it was in the afternoon, I gave Tom the bag of clothes I'd brought for him, told him I'd see him AFTER the Press Room session, and saw him off on the wheelchair van, then headed myself towards Portsmouth.

Didn't do any of the other errands I had planned, either. I'll go to Goodwill (stuff in the back of the car to drop off, plus check on equipment) tomorrow on my way to see Tom. We've got a big, new Salvation Army store just a short ways from Goodwill, so I'll probably check them out, too, since I haven't had a chance since it opened.

Gave a full report multiple times to friends at The Press Room (and the short version plus Press Room session history to an Irish couple from Boston who loved my singing). Left the session just before the end and drove over to Clipper Harbor. Pressed the button at the locked door and got no response, so I walked over to Tom's window (gee, this sounds like a song) which was open a crack (Tom finds the place way too warm) and talked at him. He had a nurse go let me in -- no one had told me the "after hours" keypad code for the door. Visited a short while before I aimed towards home...and staying awake until I got there. Seemed like an inordinately long drive last night.

Alas, Tom didn't mention yesterday until too late that he needed more k-cups, so he's not getting good coffee (or any as early as he'd like it) until I get there today. He'll live.

Speaking of which, I've got a cup of tea to drink...
