The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143831   Message #3331517
Posted By: kendall
31-Mar-12 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: Kendall's musical history
Subject: RE: Kendall's musical history
Spaw, don't make me come out there.

This would work better if I was being interviewed.
I probably know around 500 songs, so being able to remember who I stole them from is a problem, but, maybe a few will come to mind.

Ed Trickett
Utah Phillips
Bob Coltman
Dave Mallett. they would head the list.

Songs that I like but never felt qualified to sing? almost anything that my pal, Gordon Bok wrote.I've never heard anyone sing his songs as well as he does.
However, when he teams up with Ed Trickett and Annie Muir that is just unbeatable.