The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143908   Message #3331915
Posted By: Noreen
01-Apr-12 - 05:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Losing out on interview for my own job
Subject: RE: BS: Losing out on interview for my own job
Less of the 'old', Spaw!!

Thanks for all the good wishes and kind thoughts, friends.

Now the fog of the last two weeks is clearing I really think this may turn out to have been a blessing in disguise :)

The new job will involve moving to a brand new library, built under PFI which will integrate the public library with the University library, local records office, archives etc.

This concept is attracting international attention, and the new building has won awards for its green credentials- natural lighting, heating and ventilation and sustainable materials used in construction.

The place to be!

The Hive