The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3332244
Posted By: Bat Goddess
01-Apr-12 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Another good sales day at work (unusual for a Sunday, which is usually busy with phone calls, repairs, problems, phone calls, repairs, pick ups, adjustments, repairs and more phone calls) and it was all between noon and 2:30 so I was able to get the other stuff that needs to be done taken care of, too. Had to reopen a drawer for someone picking up right on the stroke of 5. schedule left for me and the schedule in the closet said a co-worker was working tomorrow. So...called her and left a message. She left a message in return, that as far as she knows, she was working, but then the next message said she heard from the DM and we're BOTH working. (That is also very good because Mondays are also crazy busy days and it's so much less hectic with two.) Still haven't a clue as to my schedule for the rest of the week, though. Sigh.

Saw Tom but didn't stay long. Too tired and had errands to run on the way home. I'll call him again before bedtime.
