The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3334105
Posted By: Bat Goddess
05-Apr-12 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Still haven't heard from the concierge, but I have my schedule for the next couple weeks and, unless they decide to send him home next Monday or Friday, we're all set.

Feel as if I haven't done much today, but I actually HAVE. It was just a time consuming project (making more maneuvering room around the table AND cleaning off the table; oh, and removing the Christmas tablecloth that was still on top of the usual table cover but beneath all the piles of stuff) that doesn't look like much but it was, indeed, major.

Oh, and the new frame for Tom's glasses came in so I can pick up his old glasses, pingpong back to the shop to swap the lenses into the new frame and then bounce back for a visit.

Just about to head out -- have an application to attend to in Dover (to get set up with a new-to-me community health practice; Tom's been there since 2004), then can head to Portsmouth. Going around in circles again, I think...
