The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3335148
Posted By: Bat Goddess
07-Apr-12 - 06:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
No, Mary. He was much more confused, groggy, whatever this morning than normal. He's been fine most of the time, but, because of a roommate making loud, strange noises all night, hasn't been getting much sleep despite his normal HALF an Ambien tab. AND when he IS asleep, he's been having vivid, threatening dreams. With or without coffee, he wasn't his normal self. This is NOT helping him with his ankle rehab -- it's setting him back. Both the hospital and rehab have added yet more meds to his already substantial list. And something is causing a problem. It's not only NOT HELPING's HURTING him.

I'm hoping the lack of Ambien, plus a quiet room, will put him on a road to recovery. His other health issues are not causing the problems. It's a meds problem, and I'm getting really sick of hospitals and other facilities CAUSING the problems.

As for the little old ladies, if I had followed my inclinations there would have been blood on the floor and I would have been a screaming, flailing wreck in the middle of a circle of rabid Easter shoppers. And a Lee cop might have shot me to save me from myself.

Neither Tom nor I need this unnecessary bullshit.
