The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144241   Message #3336281
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
10-Apr-12 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why closed threads?
Subject: RE: BS: Why closed threads?
I don't, either....but what does that have to do with this subject..unless you are attempting to cover YOUR ass, and justify YOUR inclinations to call people those things....even when they are NOT racists or bigots.

People who tend to LEAN to the left, are doing so, because in reality, they are sitting to the right! (and the reverse is true, as well).

People who want to keep steering things to the 'left's (or 'right's) 'talking points' tactics end up just going round in circles, going nowhere, and accomplishing NOTHING!......except being boring.

IF 'we' are so 'hip', why aren't we progressing? Seems to me, we just keep going over the same tactics over and over again, in circles...

...and by the way, I'm not seeing ANY evidence of racism on this thread...unless you include voting, (or not voting) for a candidate solely on the grounds of the color of his skin!!....and thinking, "Wow, we've come a long circles"! Makes you wonder who the REAL racists are. Personally, I don't vote for people based on their skin color..nor do I vote for people who are talking out their ass!......because I'm NOT racist....and another,'BTW, I've played with more 'black' musicians than most of you have ever lived next to!!!

Sorry, Richard..your 'rap' doesn't hold up.