The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144236   Message #3336505
Posted By: Steve Shaw
10-Apr-12 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Follow Jesus, not religion Andrew Sullivan
Subject: RE: BS: Follow Jesus, not religion Andrew Sullivan
What Steve Shaw doesn't understand about the myth of Jesus is that he did not appeal
to "authority" but fought it non-violently.

He told his followers to render to Caesar what was Caesar's. But nothing belonged to Caesar thereabouts, did it. Of course he pandered to authority, both on earth and, more explicitly, to that of his invisible father in heaven. Down the line, his advocates were able to build an extremely authoritarian and sexist religion based on what he allegedly preached and who he went around with, and it can hardly be said, almost from the outset of Christianity, that non-violence was central to its creed. As Jesus might have said had he existed, and applying it to himself, by their fruits shall ye know them.