The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3336532
Posted By: Bat Goddess
10-Apr-12 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Home. (A bit after 8 p.m.) Stopped at "the Scottish restaurant" for a mushroom burger to go and just ate it. At least I must have. It's gone and the bag, etc. is still here.

Just called Tom and said goodnight...I'll call him next in the morning.

I arrived at the ER about the same time he did. Found out later his blood pressure was 43/30. He got Dr. Trotzky again, which was nice. Everyone was amazed at how lucid and articulate he was despite such low BP.

They got him started on oxygen, fluids and blood. (Yeah, they first tried to get blood out of him, but they promised to replace it and then some...) Got a gastroenterologist involved -- they noted right away he definitely had some bleeding going on somewhere. Rehab SHOULD have noticed the black stools as well as all the other symptoms he had and DONE something about it. They're getting him stabilized and then tomorrow they'll send a camera down and see what's what so they can fix it. The only time he ever had a bleeding ulcer was the day he got out of the ICU after his heart surgery. That was probably caused by post-op meds.

He got into a room in the ICU about 7-ish and seemed reasonably comfortable when I left -- he's got a great nurse who will be with him until, I think, 7 tomorrow morning.

I'm very tired. (Surprise, surprise.) But also very relieved that someone is finally attending to the problem.

Got a friend coming over early tomorrow to do some repair work on our floor in anticipation of Tom coming home. (Prolly not this week...) And then I have what should be a fairly quick appointment to get the taxes filed. After that I'll pick up his clothes and tackle at Clipper Harbor and head to Wentworth-Douglass.

All in all, Tom is in good spirits and would REALLY like all this to be over so he can come home. Tomorrow it will be four weeks. The cats and I miss HIM around the ol' homestead, too.

Goodnight, all. Thanks for all the good thoughts, white light and prayers...
