The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3337239
Posted By: Bat Goddess
12-Apr-12 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
I hope I've tricked my body and brain into thinking I've had some rest while lolling in bed with a cup of tea and a book this morning (and a cat! Don't forget the cat!) while I was also on the phone with Tom's nurse (Cindi! Cindi's back!), Tom, Dr. Blitzer's office, Dr. Thompson's office, making an appointment for an oil change for my car and letting Jim, who used to teach with Tom, know about the situation, etcet.

Despite my bagel and tea earlier, I'm famished. Maybe because I rather forgot to eat anything last night. So now I'm cooking up something immediate as well as planning another multi-meal cookup for later.

Thanking those people who often have thankless jobs IS important! Besides thanking Kathleen (Tom's day nurse at Clipper Harbor on Tuesday) over the phone for getting Tom to the ER on Tuesday, I made a point of seeing her personally after I collected Tom's stuff. That being said, I also let everybody there know that I don't think very highly of their tame doctor who refused to check anything important on Tom's condition on Tuesday (after almost 4 days of it not being addressed).

Anywho, Tom -- first talked to Cindi this morning who reported that James, his night nurse (also familiar from Tom's last stay there), reported that Tom got through the colonoscopy prep last night in record time. I asked Cindi if he got a certificate and she said she'd make him one. Fastest time on record , in their experience. Tom was sleeping, but I talked to him a bit later. He asked what the game plan was and sounded not completely on top of things as I had thought (which is totally understandable), so I went through everything in detail that has happened since Tuesday (and this weekend) and what is being planned -- including the colonoscopy that he has by now had. And that I had a few things to wrap up around the house this morning and would be over to see him early afternoon.

Now I should call work and reassure them that I will be there tomorrow from 10-3. I'm pretty sure I'll be alone in the shop, so taking the day off would be very problematic.
