The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144241   Message #3338067
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
14-Apr-12 - 03:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why closed threads?
Subject: RE: BS: Why closed threads?
Man!..What a ride!! GREAT POSTS!!!

999, and Hookey. THAT'S What I mean, by changing the dialogue!!!

First of all, I don't have a 'Jones' or an axe to grind with 'liberals' any more than 'conservatives'. What pisses me off, is that BOTH of them, as a group of individual people, ALL wanting to do the best thing they can, WITH THE INFORMATION THEY GOT TO WORK WITH, have just been flat out deceived! Even with all the abundance of evidence, and a 'trail' that leads from where we were, to what this people has become now, happens to be the results of Politician/Financials/Media relationship...and all working for the 'elite' few. Example: Now, just bear with..It is a pretty well known and accepted fact, by pretty much everybody, that Glass-Steagall Act was a disaster, and paved the way for the financial/banking mess and large portions of the economy taking a massive dump! I want you to think back, if you were paying attention, at all back then, and remember the media package it was dressed up to be, and then the 'debate' of the 'advantages' of enacting that, and all the 'benefits' it would make possible, for all the 'loan benefits' for the 'struggling families, needing a hand up'. the 'Right', says Great for business! the 'Left' says "I don't know about those business guys..." Crooked Banker negotiates with party bosses, and now its sold to the 'Left' as a benevolent way to 'help' poorer people. Party boss, accepts deal, of 'inside trading' tips, because this thing is going to make him also, a wealthy man..with no connected money trail. Party boss, makes 'issue' (either pro or con) about why the party base should be 'concerned'. Debates, and enthusiasm anticipation grows...after all, 'we'(the party) are going to be the 'good guys' for once, and these 'loans' will be available...and we're getting something 'our'   way..OK?...Soon the 'legal' obstacles are out of the way, and it opens the doors for the crookedest pieces of crap on the planet to sell us a 'pyramid scheme' to defraud the entire tax structure, and economy, for a LONG way off...if, in fact, we recover, at all. Clinton backed and signed the bill. YET, if you are a Democrat, it either gets swept away, or reasoned away. Don't you think that before the plan was laid out, that the people who concocted the scam, spent maybe just a little time, figuring ways to get it through the 'legal' system, and how to sell the 'good idea' of it to the masses???
Bottom line: We were deceived...on purpose...for the sake of these crooks, to get money, a stepping stone to power. None of them prosecuted, no serious investigation resulting in much. Not much exposing the party connections, on both sides....and we eat shit.
Now that's just one example. I picked an old one, but come on folks, they just keep doing it in front of our eyes, and both sides feverishly Debating THINKING THEY ARE RIGHT...because both sides, as far as us, the 'wee people', are comprised of mostly some pretty damn good people!

I thought about it,999...whom I have regards for, and how nicely would you tell someone to get off the tracks, there's a train comin' while they have their hands over their ears???

In a kindly tone:
   "A sir, mam, would you so kindly, because you're such a wonderful person, please be smiling and in a great mood while you feel comfortable, at your leisure, to kindly walk over here....the train is only 10 feet away...."

Ya' think??

So the question of "WHY?" as demonstrated here, amongst friends, musical friends, (even better) and the tactics employed, are exactly how WE have been played, misdirected the crooks, posing as ideologues, selling the argument through their political influencer/hacks, to pull off scams, on the American taxpayers back..after all, we're their credit collateral.

Solyndra,(and the rest) Volt, Immelt/'Jobs Czar'/unelected taking 500B of 'stimulus' to create China??...'Shovel Ready'...."Health Care Bill'.....etc etc etc all of it and more, was sold to their supporters as something other than what it was..and is!!

Now as the list gets longer, when will people finally stop assuming its 'one of those guys from the other party that irritates me so much, with his 'argument' about_________(?)whatever.....and start taking a hard look, at what is REALLY happening.
Shit, you'd convict George Zimmerman WITH LESS EVIDENCE!!

So, in closing, maybe it's time that we look at ALL the deceived people for what it really is, and help them..with compassion, even those from the 'other' party..and as human beings....sing to them, and bring their attentions to higher things...and be on the cutting edge. Sooner or later, after it's all over, we might THEN learn to LOVE one another, as if we shouldn't now. Be upfront, you won't be susceptible of being deceived, yourselves. Just like in music....DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Be the use waitin' for those fuckers to 'bring it to you'!

Oh, and about the part about the 'morons'....:

999: "GfS: it's references like 'jackass moron' which seem to be applied to anyone who disagrees with you that get folks pissed off, that and the occasional lapse into "I have been telling you this stuff for years and it's still not getting through your thick heads."

Actually I wasn't thinking of 'Richard Bridge' or 'Bill D' nor was I in anyway insulting them...and if I in any way implied that, I'm sorry...actually I'm grateful they showed up and gave an outstanding performance, to illustrate a point. They deserve a round of applause. They were great!! Put your hands to-GETH-er!..give it up for 'em!

And Regards to all the players in continuing the dialogue.....on "WHY?"
(it's bigger than ya' think)