The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3338233
Posted By: Bat Goddess
14-Apr-12 - 12:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Mary, Bill -- Tom will NOT be going upstairs to the bedrooms and bathroom for some time. Not until he can safely negotiate those stairs.

By the time he's home, he won't need someone constantly there. He'll be able to maneuver between bed (the couch), the commode, the table, the computer...even stand in the kitchen and fix some food. (Though I'll relieve him of everyday cooking for awhile.)

And I only work approximately 18 hours a week as it is -- that's the major reason why I need to find another job, but haven't been able to do much in that line while Tom needs so much and so much attention.

Just driving everywhere to and from Tom, and everywhere else I need to go is so time-consuming. EVERYTHING takes so much more time than you think and it just nibbles away at the day. I'm driving about 3 times my normal daily miles -- that's expensive both in time AND gas.

I'm looking forward to sometime again being able to eat a normal meal -- mostly I'm shovelling something in my mouth while I'm here at the computer (as I am right now). And a few minutes later I can neither remember what I ate or even that I DID eat. And every time I ask Tom about his meals (except in the hospital) he says, "Well I had some wonderful [whatever] but I couldn't eat it because it had toxic levels or sodium" or it would tear up his denture-less mouth to eat it.

I just talked to him again a little while ago and he's changed his mind about wanting to leave immediately. He had a good-tasting breakfast and the coffee, while not up to his standards (or as good as the k-cups he could have anytime at Clipper Harbor) is passable. He still wants to be home SOON.

Ach! Just threw out a bunch of stuff that was in the blue cabinet. That SHOULD make me feel good (but it's just not as satisfying as it should be). Laundry drying, dishes dealt with, information located, car emptied (while still in my nightshirt -- good thing we're not right on the road).

It's only noon and I'm (still) exhausted.
