The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144391   Message #3338517
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
15-Apr-12 - 02:58 AM
Thread Name: 5 Things Killing the Music Industry
Subject: RE: 5 Things Killing the Music Industry
The Beatles got one quarter of a penny for every 45rpm sold. So how did the musos with less clout work out. they got literally nowt. Its never been about making a fortune. We've always been musicians in spite of the music business - not because of it.

The internet with things like Youtube and Mudcat has been all for the good.

We don't even have to cowtow to the BBC to let us have an authorised folk website.

The music business had it coming to them - for its sheer grossness, its ineptitude and for not taking care of its own when they fell upon hard times - few of us inside it feel much gratitude to it, or warmth for it.

I suppose in a way its like the passing of the great movie studio systems. You have to grudgingly admire the Bogarts, The Hitchcocks, the Howard Hawks, the Busby Berkley, The david Selznick - but bloody hell it made a mess of people. And the same can be said for the pre internet music business.