The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3338842
Posted By: Bat Goddess
15-Apr-12 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Ebbie, the "good" reason that Tom's dentures can't be found is that Wentworth-Douglass Hospital will pay for a complete new set. Haven't a clue as to how they got lost in the first place -- they were in a plastic container with Tom's name on the top and in a drawer under the sink in ICU room 6. You would THINK they would try to find the proper owner before they threw them out...or maybe they went home with the next occupant of the room, and they didn't contact the hospital when they were discovered. Who knows. But Tom will get a new set out of it, though nothing for the discomfort and inconvenience and limitation on what he can eat until the new set is ready.

I realized this morning exactly how FRIED I am after this busy and nerve-wracking week. I'm physically very, very tired. Gravity is turned way up. But my mind must be frazzled, too. I had to pick up some necessities on the way to work this morning, and when I was backing out of the parking place, a person suddenly appeared behind my car. I slammed on the brakes...but missed and hit the gas. He managed to dodge out of the way, but it scare the bejaysus out of me! Shook me up quite a bit. God definitely was looking out for both of us. Made it to work otherwise uneventfully. (I couldn't have quite taken anything else...) And, while there were a few clumps of people who all decided to come in at once, it wasn't a half bad day.

Picked up Tom's clothes at Clipper Harbor (and talked to the nurse who actually wanted to get him to the ER last Saturday or Sunday) and then ping-ponged back the other direction to see Tom. Langdon Place is only about 6 miles longer than my regular commute home.

Just couldn't deal with fixing a proper supper tonight, but I found enough stuff to nibble on that didn't take any real prep time. (Well, maybe I should cook up a couple eggs...nah, takes too much time.)

Early to bed, I think.
