The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144302   Message #3338936
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Apr-12 - 02:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who will run with Romney?
Subject: RE: BS: Who will run with Romney?
I don't bother answering belligerent, hostile, insulting questions from individuals who are completely unwilling to show any respect or goodwill to those with whom they disagree on some political or religious or other matter. If you can't control your own temper or rise above having such a vicious attitude toward people you disagree with, why should I talk to you? Would I approach a snarling dog to talk to it?

That's why I usually don't bother to respond to your hostile posts.

I do recommend you read the book, though. It has to do with a political/financial system that long preceded George W. Bush, matter of fact, it basically got started in the early 1960s. It's what is termed a plutocracy or an oligarchy. Some of its really notable disciples have been Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and some of the key people appointed under Obama too (specially those dealing with finance, such as Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner).

It easily outlasted George W. Bush, it is still in control of the overall USA agenda, the CFR, the IMF, the UK, Canada, Israel, and the World Bank, and it will very likely considerably outlast Obama and whatever figurehead follows him too. Obama is not the problem. That overall coporatist political/financial system and philosophy is the problem. Obama's just a temporary marketable face that's been pasted on it like one of those "happy face" stickers, because a new face always gives the common people some hope in desperate times. That's what Bush was too, just a temporary face, but he wasn't nearly as cuddly or likable a face as Obama, that's for sure. (At least not if you're not a Republican! Some of them thought he was the next thing to God.) Once Obama can no longer be marketed effectively or has simply finished his 2nd term, then they'll stick some other face on their system with another bogus election, to again give people some false hopes. We'll have to wait a bit to see which face it turns out to be. I have no confidence in any face they pick, because if he (or she) gets that far as to be elected president, then he or she has already sold out to the corporates a long time ago.

A plutocracy doesn't really care which new face they market to long as they can get you to buy it for a few more years. They market 2 faces to you at election time. The public picks one of those two, because there IS no one else to pick. Heads they win, tails you lose. Tails they win, heads you lose. Either way, they win. And they have most of the money. So they can do that marketing very effectively indeed. Money is power. Media coverage is the message. And the media are about 98% controlled and subservient now...they've been "embedded" (with a few minor exceptions here and there, because it isn't yet possible to shut up absolutely everyone in the media who dares to break ranks and speak the unspeakable....). What is the unspeakable in a plutocracy? The unspeakable is the truth...the truth about invasion, murder, fraud, torture, neocolonialism, lies, dictatorship, and ruthless empire building for the benefit of the wealthy few.