The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3339242
Posted By: Bat Goddess
16-Apr-12 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Well, I sort of took today off. Realized on my way to work how gravity was cranked up to high, and, if I could, I'd fall asleep behind the wheel. The rollercoasterness of last week really dragged me out. Originally thought I'd stick it out at work til four, but my co-worker suggested I go home and take care of myself.

Left work after about an hour (but not until I made a sale -- 2 pair -- right off the bat). Checked in with Tom on the way home. He's in a pretty good mood -- he'd had good physical therapy before I got there and the promise of more in the afternoon.

Got home and didn't even turn on the computer, just went upstairs and took a nap. And when I woke, I read...with a cat on my shoulder purring in my ear and another at my feet. I'm just refusing to think about all those things I'm juggling right now in my head and life. I took today off. And it will be another early night. And tomorrow is another day.

Made myself the supper I didn't have the energy to make last night. Talked to Tom and he's pleased with the physical therapy plan that he discussed with the therapist this afternoon. No, he might not be home this weekend. But probably by the next weekend after his cast is changed again. The really GOOD thing is that there IS a plan. I think it was the previous open-endedness that was so wearing on both of us. And he's being encouraged to get out and move around in the wheelchair. There's a computer down the hall and he may be checking in here sometime soon. (!!!) Tom talked today with the dentist that did his dentures, so that's in the works (and I didn't have to do it!). He did manage to destroy another pair of the yellow goggles that help him see in interior daylight. He's exceptionally hard on them -- that's three pair now, two from the NH department for the blind and this pair that I bought about a month ago (for twenty bucks). Ach!

Nope. I didn't make any of my planned phone calls today (except for a couple to track down where a wheelchair might be rented -- and now Tom tells me he probably won't need one by the time he comes home). And, other than visiting Tom (and posting here and Facebook), I didn't think about ANY of this whole thing all day.

I think tonight's another early night. Maybe I'll be back to whatever passes as normal by tomorrow.

Tomorrow's another day...