The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144424   Message #3339610
Posted By: catspaw49
17-Apr-12 - 02:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unconscious prejudices - Harvard study
Subject: RE: BS: Unconscious prejudices - Harvard study
My dear gnu,

The maze is made of iron although it could be plastic or any substantial material. It measures about 9"x9" and is probably about 1/4" thick. The mazes are cut with a different pattern in each piece.

You are seated at a table or desk, blindfolded, and given a pencil. The test monitor starts her clock and puts your pencil laden hand in the start gate of the maze. You try to find your way through. The proctor notes the errors and the time to finish.

There ya' go.......If that don't do it for you go fuck yourself....... with your pencil.
