The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144424   Message #3339842
Posted By: Crowhugger
18-Apr-12 - 12:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unconscious prejudices - Harvard study
Subject: RE: BS: Unconscious prejudices - Harvard study
I did the light-skin vs dark skin test. I know exactly what people above meant about feeling forced to associate according to stereotypes. But that was in my head, not in the test. The test merely asked me to associate light with light, dark with dark, good with good, bad with bad, sometimes grouping to the left, sometimes to the right. For the "light-dark" match part of the test (white-brown actually), I found that registering to the fact that the images were faces slowed me down. So I started paying attention only to the colour. The hard part for me was switching back and forth between a colour reflex and reading, it felt like a gear box in my head was grinding--had to do that part twice because I was too slow, though I made a lot of mistakes when I sped up.

Because of an experience I had some years ago I expected to show an association of light skin with good. In an elevator one day I wanted to know what time it was. The nearest person to me was wearing a watch. He was black. I looked further afield for another wristwatch and asked someone white (I think, or it's possible I asked the black guy when I realized what I was doing...memory for that detail is fading). Anyhow, I was utterly aghast with myself when I realized what I was doing. That was the day I truly understood the power of society to create self-loathing.

So I was pretty surprised that they interpreted my results as showing little to no tendency to favour light skin. Maybe because really I prefer hanging out with dogs.

Thanks for an interesting excursion, Janie!