The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144236   Message #3339947
Posted By: GUEST,Eliza
18-Apr-12 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Follow Jesus, not religion Andrew Sullivan
Subject: RE: BS: Follow Jesus, not religion Andrew Sullivan
Thank you Joe. But there is a rather fierce old lady (the widow of an Army chaplain) who voiced some reservations about my husband attending Harvest Festival at our church. The rest of the congregation were thrilled to see him, but she afterwards 'had a word' to the effect that Jesus and only Jesus was her Saviour, and all other religions were false ones. There was only one Path, via Christ, therefore a non-Christian had no business in a Christian Church. I didn't say much, and didn't tell my husband. The Vicar when consulted just smiled and said not to take any notice, but he seemed scared to categorically state that a Muslim was welcome to come. I somehow feel that Jesus Himself wouldn't have minded. Luckily (!) my husband finds the church freezing cold and doesn't appear there for services, but he helps tidy the churchyard and erects marquees for fundraising etc. I was very sad and discouraged, but she was the only one with this attitude.