The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143962   Message #3340015
Posted By: gnu
18-Apr-12 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guns & laws in the US
Subject: RE: BS: Guns & laws in the US
Just couldn't read the whole article. It became tedious and obvious early on.

I think youse should find a better choice of words. Maybe something like, "There are so many people who live in abject poverty, who use heavy drugs to deaden the pain of their dire standard of livng, who... fill in whatever else... that have access to guns and will use them in crimes when they have to do so to survive that MANY people feel personally threatened and arm themselves in order to be able to defend themselves.

Like I keep saying, guns do not kill people but poor, uneduated, unemployed, homeless, hungry people with easy access to guns kinda do. Ya wanna cut down gun related crime, fix crime. How? Spend yer dime raising the standard of living. Is it gonna happen? Read on.

Let's take a walk down the road to hell. For the millionth time, I say "the rich subjugate the poor". Why, you ask. Simple. They need to force the poor to join the military to blow shit up and kill people so the rich can stay rich by exploiting foreign resources. I think it started about, ooooh, thousands of year ago, to be exact.

Gun laws? Nuh-uh.

Fascination with guns? Nuh-uh.

Scared shitless? Yup, big time.

And, as far as the gun-homicide rate. Yeah. So what? I contend most of these are criminals killing competing criminals and criminals killing people for profit. As for some guy killing the bitch for fuckin around on him or the like, I contend he woulda used that hammer if he was a bad shot.