The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93305   Message #334194
Posted By: manx
03-Nov-00 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: ADD: The Wanderer's Warning
Subject: can anyone help
hi i am trying to find the name of a song i think is from the second world war. my father still sings this song, at the age 83. he thinks he first heard it from an american airman he taught in the south of england. here are the first and last verses. thier are six verses in all. i am riding along on a frieght car. bound for nobody knows where. for i left home early this morning. and my heart it is heavy with care.

so lads,take this wanderer's warning. and don't break your poor mothers heart. stay by her side for she needs you. and let nothing tear you apart.

hope someone can help me. manx.