The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144543   Message #3342518
Posted By: Acorn4
24-Apr-12 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Arrogant Posh Boys (UK politics)
Subject: RE: BS: Arrogant Posh Boys (UK politics)
Strange that the person that many Americans (but not all) think of as their best President, F.D.Roosevelt was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and yet introduced the 'New Deal' policies. Becoming paralysed with polio was probably the thing that changed his view on life.

Some people in Cameron's own party think of him as a lefty, and are angry he didn't actually win the election, and he's constantly having to throw them a bit of 'raw meat'.

You more or less have to be a PR man nowadays - Gordon Brown tried not being and look where it got him. I think all our leaders are going to be like "assistant managers at Dixons" from now on. Miliband looks like being the biggest Labour mistake since Michael Foot.

I don't like a lot of the Coalition's policies, but anger on its own isn't going to do any good, neither is over-simplifying a situation . Where is the credible electable alternative coming from?