The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144543   Message #3343542
Posted By: Acorn4
26-Apr-12 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Arrogant Posh Boys (UK politics)
Subject: RE: BS: Arrogant Posh Boys (UK politics)
"Thats before we start on a benefit system which de-humanises us, an "equality" agenda which promotes "victimhood" as a positive state of mind,and has become an unaffordable idiocy."

Although I've been arguing mostly on the "leftish" side of the fence on this thread, I think this is partially true . The problem comes in getting machinery to discriminate between genuine cases of hardship and "dependency as a way of life" - it is unfortunate that the weakest generally end up the real "victims" as opposed to those who know how to "play the system".

Do we really trust the people sitting at the desks are good enough to make fair decisions?