The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130662   Message #3343767
Posted By: gnu
26-Apr-12 - 07:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gas Fracking disaster looms
Subject: RE: BS: Gas Fracking disaster looms
Soooo... the federal governement of Canada is gonna conduct "studies" to see if fracking causes an increase in earthquake frequency. BUT, there are no intentions, as far as I know, to monitor groundwater during these studies. So, is this a good idea? Can you guys critique this, offer me advice, ideas, whatever? When it's ready, will you guys help me get this in the newspapers across Canada?......

An open letter to Premier(s) Whoever/Prime Minister Harper/federal Minister of the Environment Kent:

I read in the Moncton, NB Times&Transcript that NB will participate in a study of the correlation between fracking and earthquake frequency.

Will these studies also monitor groundwater quality? If so, will the results of the pre-study and post-study groundwater tests be published in the NB newspapers on a timely basis (that is, pre-study results before the study)? Will the chemicals used in fracking during the study be the exact same chemicals in the exact same concentrations during and after the study? Will the frackers be required to supply samples of the fluids injected during and after the study for analysis and will those analyses be published in the NB newspapers on a timely basis? Will you allow sufficient time after the study fracking to monitor and assess the long(er) term affects on groundwater? If so, have you determined what that time period should be? If so, upon what research do you base this time period?

If groundwater analyses before, during and after the study are not to be included in this research, WHY NOT?

If I am remiss in not being up to date on the details of the studies to be done, please accept my humblest apologies. Also, please reference me as to where I might find this information if previous published.


One seriously pissed off citizen... >;-) Nooooo. Ain't gonna do that.