The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144543   Message #3343864
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
27-Apr-12 - 02:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Arrogant Posh Boys (UK politics)
Subject: RE: BS: Arrogant Posh Boys (UK politics)
I think maybe your view of the miners strike depends on where you lived as much as anything. I had a miner/roadie at the time who similarly railroaded by the other lot. And in the end who was lying about the future of the mining industry under the tories - Scargill, or Thatcher and Tebbit. Tebbit I seem to remember guaranteeing that not a single miner would lose their jobs.

We had to have coppers patroling our street to protect the houses of NUM members.You were closer to Yorkshire, Ian. I was in the Sutton in Ashfield area.

What a long time ago it seems....