The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144614   Message #3343920
Posted By: Joe Offer
27-Apr-12 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Vatican vs. The Nuns
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican vs. The Nuns
Well, Eliza, the nuns took Vatican II seriously and they DID reform. Their vows have always been to their communities and to the Rule which governs each community, not to the Pope or the hierarchy. And their communities really mean something to them - bishops and popes mean far less. Their Rules are more a charism, a philosophy of life, than a code of regulations. The Rule for my community, the Sisters of Mercy, is the the Corporal Works of Mercy - feeding the hungry and welcoming the stranger, that sort of thing.
My boss, Sr. Judy, runs a center that serves 400 women a day. She answers to our clients, our volunteers, our donors, our board of directors, and to her religious community. She has neither the time nor the inclination to deal with bishops and hierarchy. And almost every nun I know is the same, living a life of complete freedom, devoted only to doing what they believe is right and good. They're also the happiest people I know.
