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Thread #144614   Message #3344140
Posted By: Joe Offer
27-Apr-12 - 04:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Vatican vs. The Nuns
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican vs. The Nuns
Huge organizations don't operate in straight lines. If you think any government works through perfectly democratic processes (or perfectly following the processes of a republican form of government), you're wrong. Most of the work gets done by horse trading. If you think the Catholic Church operates as an absolute papal monarchy where everyone obeys the pope, you're wrong. There are times when the Vatican attempts to operate under the illusion of being an absolute papal monarchy, but the processes spelled out in Canon Law are far more democratic - but democracy in the Catholic Church is an illusion, too.

The power in the Catholic Church rests in credibility. I will admit that the illusion of a "Supreme Pontiff" holds a lot of credibility, but that credibility has been severely damaged in the recent and ongoing child molestation scandals. Yes, the nuns kept quiet and subservient in the old days, but many of them have been playing a different tune for four decades now - they have changed themselves into powerful, independent, happy women who do amazing things to serve the needs of the people. And as a result, their credibility is phenomenal - and that gives them a lot of power in the Catholic Church.

What gives the nuns such credibility is that they have devoted their efforts to service, not to condemning the misdeeds of others. They really can't do any good pointing fingers at homosexuals or women who get abortions - those people have to make their own decisions. The nuns have learned that they can work miracles by devoting their lives to service, and that is exactly what they have done. In the process, they have made themselves into some of the most joyful and fulfilled and interesting people on earth.

So, what we're watching now is a game of chess. The Vatican gave its document to the press last week, even before the nuns received their copy. After that, the press was waiting for the nuns to respond. How did the nuns respond? Well, first they responded with silence. Then, after about a week, they quietly announced that they will meet May 29-June 1 to discuss the Vatican document.

According to Canon Law, the principle of the operation of all aspects of the Catholic Church is "collegiality" - members meeting as colleagues to arrive at a consensus, not a majority vote. Even the Pope is supposed to be "primus inter pares," first among equals. The nuns are wisely adhering to a strict practice of collegiality, exactly as spelled out in Canon Law - and they're taking their sweet time about it and making the old men squirm.

By the way, most communities of women religious have operated under the principles of collegiality for the last forty years, and they have learned how to make the process work. To my mind, they are a perfect model of how the principles of collegiality can work, and how these principles can transform the Catholic Church so it can operate credibly in this post-modern world.

This is a very slow-moving chess game we're watching. The next move will take place about the first of June, although there may be a few distractions in between. So far, I think the nuns are playing the game very well.
