The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27212   Message #334441
Posted By: Quincy
04-Nov-00 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tilting penguins
Subject: RE: BS: Tilting penguins
On tv's "Have I got news for you" last night Paul Merton suggested that the little guys had foam trousers for them to wear to bounce back?

See Troll, sledge's idea wasn't so strange after all!! ;-)
These foam trousers would however interfere with their fishing expeditions as the foam would make their poor little bottoms float to the top!!!

Yes I know.....I need more sleep and de-caff too!!!!

Sledge....did you see the programme? Headline of course....Ppppppick up a Penguin!!!

best wishes, Yvonne