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Thread #144614   Message #3344621
Posted By: Rapparee
28-Apr-12 - 09:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Vatican vs. The Nuns
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican vs. The Nuns
Yup, Joe's right on that one. People pretty much ignore it and it goes away.

There are lots of things like that. Matthew 18:18 (NIV):

I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

So once upon a time the Catholic Church said, "Eating meat on Fridays is a mortal sin (usually, there are certain exceptions)." Then, a few years back, they changed the rules and you only have to fast during Lent and at specified other times. My very own brother, when he was studying for the deaconate (!), asked the instructors, "So, what happened to all those people who ate meat on Fridays and committed a mortal sin, which sent them straight to Hell? Did they get forgiven and pulled up to Heaven?" And you know what? He never did enter the permanent deaconate.

Joe, I was raised in the quibbling, legalistic educational system of the Catholic Church, from kindergarten through undergraduate work. I have 21 semester hours of theology and the same of philosophy, not the mention 12 years of "religion" (including the Revised Baltimore Cathecism). Nowadays I don't worry if there's enough meat in Mcdonald's hamburger to break the rule of Friday abstinence -- I asked the Pastor things like "So, if JC died to save all of us, aren't we awfully ungrateful if we don't sin because it makes His whole sacrifice pointless?" The Pastor says I'm smart enough to be a heretic and several times he's invited me to an auto-da-fe.