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Thread #144614   Message #3345074
Posted By: Musket
30-Apr-12 - 03:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Vatican vs. The Nuns
Subject: RE: BS: The Vatican vs. The Nuns
Fair enough Joe, but it must be frustrating to be seen with the Catholic label, however much your endeavours are contrary to the management.

I admire working from within, and in other fields I suppose I have done the same. However, no matter what you do, no matter how well you do it, I can't help thinking it is the X Parish people rather than the Catholic ideals and dogma that are doing the good work.

They in the meantime ride on the back of your good work whilst carrying on with their outmoded, increasingly irrelevant proclamations and views, using the good works of people as their advertising boards.

You shouldn't abandon your church to the bastards, but I can't help feeling they already own it? If enough people push against them then you may get this ancient institution working in the right direction, and I wish you luck. I somehow reckon though that a young reforming Pope is a bit of an oxymoron, and to get them to wake up, that is what you need.