The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3346429
Posted By: Bat Goddess
03-May-12 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Medicare, as I understand it, will pay for ONE mobility device during Tom's lifetime. We have absolutely nowhere to store one of those scooters, it won't fit in my car, and, the theory is he'll only need the WHEELCHAIR for a few weeks. Electric scooter is overkill. He'll be on his own two feet again and all an electric scooter would do is guarantee he'll never walk again. He WILL be able to put weight on the ankle, probably at the end of the month.

Meanwhile...I came downstairs for the second time this morning a few minutes ago and what do I find? Fresh cat barf on the rug and another spot on the floor. Not in a spot where I can let it dry and then brush it off.

I am soooo physically drained and I still have to move some furniture and take other things to the cellar for temporary storage before I can head to Portsmouth to pick up the wheelchair, drop off some other things, and go to Dover to, I hope, spring Tom.

I don't think he can get to the computer in a wheelchair before I do some more major rearranging, but I can do that when he's home...

I'm not whining (well, yes, of course I'm whining...), but Tom has way too much time right now (way more time than I have) to come up with more things for me to do that he wants done RIGHT NOW. They're usually not major things, but they are just One More Thing...and I'm so on the verge of just crumbling (which is NOT an option) that I snap at him and then he apologizes way too much and I feel guilty and...and...ach!

I think I need a vacation...or a nice neat Teutonic nervous breakdown (which, by the way, I NEVER GOT after Tom's heart surgery in 2004!)
