The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142444   Message #3347544
Posted By: open mike
06-May-12 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Birdwatching 2012
Subject: RE: BS: Birdwatching 2012
The feeders visible from th ehouse are a constant source of amuesement and entertainment...
from the clown-like antics of the goldfinches on the thistle seed socks
to the hummers hovering at the "juice bar" there is almost always some activity !!

Bluebirds have begun to visit since the forest fire of '08 cleared lots of trees..they like open space and we had none prior to that.

Towhees, grosbeaks and varied thrush all require a second look to distinguish them from each other.

the wild turkey who used to visit daily has not come around lately.. I suspect next time we see here she will be leading a brood of chicks

red-headed sparrows (house sparrows? purple finch?) an black headed juncos often visit the feeder.

We have robins and sparrow hawks visiting occasionally , as well as
a covey of quail...or maybe event 2 - 3 different coveys...almost 50 in all.

There was a yellow warbler hovering near the door the other day and
a startling blue bird was briefly seen...probably an indigo bunting or a lazuli bunting.

Blue jays (camp robbers) and cowbirds come sometimes.

Woodpeckers like the suet cakes ...and the flickers do too.

there is a family of wrens nesting in a bird house very near
the house

and high above in the sky there are Osprey probably fishing at a near by lake...for the babies we sometimes hear shrieking from the nest.

Also red tailed hawks, ravens and crows fly near.

We rarely see, but often hear owls,

and inside the canaries are always singing and chirping...we have 15 of them now...the original 6 have all hatched clutches of eggs.