The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144514   Message #3348290
Posted By: Bobert
08-May-12 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democrats Bailing out on Obamacare Etc
Subject: RE: BS: Democrats Bailing out on Obamacare Etc
Thanks, Chongz, for layin' the gender thing to rest...

As for straw men??? GfinS has been an Obama hater going way the heck back and that has never changed... He has never once said one thing decent about Obama or any of his policies... That, IMHO, fits exactly with the Tea/FOX narrative... When GfinS is called on it he runs to "both sides" safe ground while your buddy, LH, provides cover...

This time, Chongz, I figured that seeing as GfinS offered the non-Obama-haters a glimpse of what the Obama-haters thought would be a reasonable step towards solving america's health care, yes, crisis... We've had two years of weeping and hand-wringing by the Tea Party, the entire Republican Party, sans Olympia Snow, who has quit saying that the party is wacked out, FOX news and the the wacko right... These are not straw men, Chongz...

Now here's something that maybe even your primate-lite self may understand... It goes "if it looks like a duck quacks like a duck, then it's a duck"...

GfinS has been quacking for going back long enough to be called on it...

There is such thing as reasonable debate when folks are willing to duscuss real world issues, policies, ideas... Seems other that than playing the Both Sides Shuffle or insulting people there ain't much in GfinS quiver...

Ain't about straw men... It's about real world facts, knowledge and ideas...

Like I have asked... You don't like the Affordable Care Act then give us your alternatives... Doing nothing, other than expecting people to accept person responsibility in a country where management has rigged the deck so that 1/2 of Americans now live at 125% of poverty or less is very much the world that would make Ayn Rand very happy...

If folks don't like being labeled as Tea Partiers and Ayn Randers then maybe, just maybe, they should quit parroting Tea/Rand BS... There's a thought...
