The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144670   Message #3349457
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
11-May-12 - 05:56 AM
Thread Name: Sunjay Brayne in Poole free gig
Subject: RE: Sunjay Brayne in Poole free gig
yeh I've got my reservations about the manic toe tapping....still he's got further career wise in five minutes than I have in forty years - so advice from me is like navigation tips from the captain of the Titanic.

Thanks for the nice things yousaid Jeri. I know I'm no great shakes as a musician or Sonwriter - what did Nick Drake say - Time has told me! Still as you say, I do recognise talent.

Martin carthy being a good case in point. I love his guitar playing. Such a divergent thinker! And yes I DID know that he'd recorded heartbreak Hotel and Gilbert O'Sullivans Alone Again naturally. Yeh he's all street cred is Martin...