The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144776   Message #3349782
Posted By: katlaughing
11-May-12 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Need some extra 'oomph' thoughts, please
Subject: RE: BS: Need some extra 'oomph' thoughts, please
I'm crying right now for the kindness of you for checking in.

It went well in that I showed no allergy symptoms, so far. The first nurse was a bit of a prat. Seemed as if all she cared about was the bare minimum..left a lot to be desired including having to start an IV line in the bend of each elbow and having one bleed out and the other one she pulled the needle out of a little sheath too soon, so tried to wiggle a "limp dick" sheath into my arm! LOL.

Then along came sweet, sweet Anya who got one started bingo on the top of my forearm so no bending to be worried about; handed me the tv/nurse call control and the chair control AND put an extender on the O2 line, so I didn't have to drag a bottle into the bathroom with me as I'd had to when the other gal was there and made sure I knew she thought I was a slacker. Well guess what? I get to request Anya next time and shall!

That will be next Friday, along with an echo-cardiogramn, the the following two Fridays and that should do it. It won't be so scary next time now that I know what to expect.

Thanks, again, everyone.
