The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144848   Message #3349890
Posted By: GUEST,Hootenanny
12-May-12 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: Morris Dancing outsillied...
Subject: RE: Morris Dancing outsillied...
"You canot produce art for money" If only someone had mentioned this to Boris Johnson. If proof were needed it was shown on TV yesterday when a multi-hundred ton steel Helter Skelter was officially opened at the Olympic site. For many,many years that part of London has been used for dumping all the worst dirtiest, smelly industries and then it almost became an immense scrap yard. Now we have a massive eyesore memorial of scrap steel to help us remember and it only cost a few million. How is it that there are so many gullible people who are talked into believing that this supposed art is worthwhile and not just a huge blot on the landscape.

Re the so called dance it was not funny. The original posting was correct just downright silly.
The whole olympic sham is not about sport or art, it's about making lots of money for a few and allowing a lot of self important free-loaders to travel around the world organising which multi-national companies can cream off the profits.
