The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27331   Message #335096
Posted By: NancyZ
05-Nov-00 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: Help - violin or fiddle?
Subject: RE: Help - violin or fiddle?
Hi Laura, That's fantastic that your son wants to play fiddle! My teacher was classically trained as a child, but found when she started teaching groups of young or adult students ,her classes were almost empty. She found many did not know how to read music. She created a way to teach and learn fiddle tunes without reading notes. Her classes were overflowing after that! Here is her site if your interestred.

Now that I have a few years under my belt, I have learned to read music, but I still have to transpose that to tablature to learn a tune, some day I may be able to read it quickly. I can also improvise as jams which is essential.

If as an adult I would've started with classical training I would've given it up out of frustration. However, if I could turn back the hands of time, I would've started as a kid in Suzuki, learned to read music and the different positions,gained some real skills, THEN branched out to Old Time and Irish. My advice is find a teacher who has good essential skills, but can teach Old Time/Bluegrass tunes that your son is interested in. Also, at your local library there is a book you can check-out videos and one is taught by two kids that are brother and sister,(I can't recall there names), Its for beginners and very well taught. It may get him rolling until you can find a teacher. Cheers, Nancy

PS, My teacher was just inducted to the Old Time Music Hall of Fame:)