The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145001   Message #3352889
Posted By: CupOfTea
19-May-12 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: Folk Club / Session Etiquette
Subject: RE: Folk Club / Session Etiquette
In my experience, the singarounds or sessions that have been the most enjoyable ones are when the day's etiquette/rules/customs of that group are stated up front, and renewed when latecomers are ready to plunge in. Of course it's not "cool" to do that - many would think everyone has ESP and knows how to behave, but when they don't, then what happens is aggravation. Without mentioning HOW it's going to work, it's much more likely it WON'T work.

What Will Fly said about the difference between a sing around and a session - that's his definition and interpretation of local etiquette. Some of the places I go vary from this considerably. Expecting a new singaround/session someplace else to work just like the one you're used to is one of those situations where it helps to have ESP or a very well developed sense of social niceties. Will likely has that, but unfortunately, folk music tends to attract a good number of people who DON'T have very good social skills, and without being told, are nearly guaranteed to blunder in a way that cuts into EVERYONES enjoyment of the time making music.

I've been the singaround victim m'self of a "professionalcuzIhavebandrecordings" guitarist who didn't "get" an acapella song. "But *I* can tell what the chords are!" sez he. ::: cue grinding of teeth:::: "IT"S ACAPELLA THERE ARE NO GUITAR CORDS!!!" I manage to get out without screaming too very loudly. I also stopped going to that session.

One of the things I find difficult is when one of *my* songs - something I've worked hard on having an arrangement for, and spent considerable time and love to polish- is done by someone else in a way that grates on my nerves. A classic of this is a band I otherwise enjoy considerably, but the male singers tend to shout/sing most songs, including "Grey Funnel Line," as if it were a shanty. It's their session, so I tamp down my aggravation and sing along or go get a beer. (and put on some Silly Sisters to clean out my head after...)

c\_/ cheers! Another chorus please!

Joanne in Cleveland