The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145013   Message #3353129
Posted By: JohnInKansas
20-May-12 - 03:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why don't they invent....
Subject: RE: BS: Why don't they invent....
One very real problem is the "thing" you keep in a very specific place and use only to do one thing. When you go to do the thing, the thing to do it with is right there where it's supposed to be. All you have to do is pick the thing up and do "the thing" that it's meant to do.

But you get interrupted.

When the interruption is settled, the "thing" is right there where it should be, but you can't remember whether you picked it up and did "the thing it does," and put it back where it belongs, or whether you were interrupted before you picked it up to do the thing it does and you still need to pick up the thing and do it's thing with it.

It gets worse and worse as using the thing for its thing becomes a habit, to the extent that doing the thing with your thing is nearly an unconscious act that barely registers as being done - or not.

But things could be worse, I suppose. Someday I might lose the thing, or maybe it will cease to even do its thing. (Or possibly, someone might fiddle with my thing and I won't be able to find another thing to do the same thing with and then I won't be able to do the thing it did.)

At least I can still think about my things with my customary remarkable clarity.
