The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144808   Message #3354024
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
21-May-12 - 07:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: The rich subjugate the poor.
Subject: RE: BS: The rich subjugate the poor.
I have no argument with that position Amos. In fact I agree wholeheartedly that the ratio is absolutely unjustifiable.

I do however object to people whose position is not that they wish they had more, but rather that they wish all rich people stripped of all that they have.

I can't subscribe to that kind of malicious envy, and I can't see any merit in their position at all. It is both negative and destructive and, if their desire were ever achieved, the poor wouldn't benefit in the least.

I would classify myself as one of the poorest ten percent of UK citizens, and price increases hit me harder than most, but we have financial problems which need sorting and I'm not complaining about taking my share of the hurt.

Of one thing I am sure. I may sometime find myself being helped by the charitable activities of some of those rich people, but I'm damn sure I'll get damn all help from the "I hate the rich and want them destroyed" Brigade.

Don T.