The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145056   Message #3355171
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
24-May-12 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: American rough..?
Subject: RE: BS: American rough..?
Examples of Nothern Rough - Uncouth

The neighbouring northern counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire have always been rivals. The famous Yorkshire cricketer, Freddie Truman used to say - 'definition of a gentleman in Yorkshire is someone who gets out the bath to have a wee. Mind you, in Lancashire - they don't even get out of the bath to have a shit.

Story Two

A southerner is having a drink in a northern pub. from the next room he hears a noise, someone shouthing and a thumping sound.....

223 thump! (cheers)
506 thump! (loud cheers)
124 thump! (shouts of dismay and disgust)

The southerner says wht's going on in there?
Thy're playin' darts lad!
That's not how you score darts...
Aye! But this Yorkshire lad! They're playin with live hedgehogs!

Story Three

A southerner is at a Sheffield Wednesday Football match. It starts raining, and suddenly all the people in the stadium take their flat caps off.

Why have we all taken our caps off? asks the southerner.
Well you don't want to to be wearing a wet cap all night, do you?