The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144734   Message #3355829
Posted By: Bat Goddess
26-May-12 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon, Home Again, Home Again
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon, Home Again, Home Again
Coffee is brewing and we're recovering from an eventful night.

I was at the head of the stairs around 1 a.m. (a couple hours after going to bed) and heard a thump. Dashed down the stairs (well, hobbled as fast as I could -- knees, you know) to find Tom on the floor between the couch and the wheelchair. He'd gotten into trouble when he got up to pee. He was unhurt -- just on the floor. Since he'd also taken an ambien, he recognized he wasn't at his best as far as getting back on the couch was concerned and insisted he'd be okay sleeping on the floor. I got a quilt under him and one over him and his pillow under his head.

He got back to sleep (and this morning says he slept fairly well).

I...didn't. Between my wide-awake brain, gut spasms, my knee really hurting (I even put the expensive prescription Voltaren gel which only works for a little while on it) and a purring cat in my face insisting on ACTIVE petting, not just putting my arm around her, I couldn't seem to fall asleep. Around 2:30 I took half a clonazapam and, eventually, fell asleep.

Got dressed this morning around 7 before coming downstairs just in case I'd have to call the EMTs for a lift assist, but using the "stair method" and the two back pillows for the couch, Tom got back up onto the couch and from there into the wheelchair.

The problem is that the boot/brace is a LOT heavier than any of the casts. This is a holiday weekend, so, of course, he can't call Dr. Blitzer's office and see if there's an alternative. He's thinking he's just going to have to get used to it -- being very very careful in the process.

I have to work Sunday and the holiday on Monday ("only" 10-4), and I'm concerned about him being alone for the first time since this all began. But I have confidence that he'll get it figured out today.

Gotta go see if the coffee is ready...
