The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27380   Message #335638
Posted By: thosp
06-Nov-00 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Steinem on Nader - not what you think!
Subject: RE: BS: Steinem on Nader - not what you think!
to mz.steinem

10)well - what's wrong with that?

9)that's what he's trying to do now

8)it's up to you to convince them otherwise- Nader has only presented a fact to illustrate a point

7)Nader is firmly pro-choice and is the only candidate to state he supports gay/lesbian marriage --your statement makes him seem the opposite

6)and how many years have the Rep. & Dems had to do this? --

5)Naders' point and i agree is that the difference is (for the most part)rhetorical --

4)are you infering that Winona LeDuke is stupid? and that you know what's better for her and her people?

3) i hope so too!

2) your best point - it worries me too!

1) i don't want either one of them

"i'm not telling you how to vote" yeah right

honestly you seem to have one issue tunnel vision (an admittedly an important issue --the supreme court nomimations) and when we pollute ourselves out of existance -- and those who die in cancer clusters while were doing that etc. etc. what then?

peace (Y) thosp