The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27380   Message #335655
Posted By: katlaughing
06-Nov-00 - 09:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Steinem on Nader - not what you think!
Subject: RE: BS: Steinem on Nader - not what you think!
That'll larn ya, youngun'!**BG** I am sure you didn't mean it to sound that way, but "withered and useless" usually does connote some age, eh?

Thread Drift: anyone notice how women's bodies show the "withered" look letting it all "hang out" so to speak with droopy boobs, saggy butt, etc. BUT men, well, men may show it in a beer gut and a little bit of a saggy butt, but the really possibly withered bits are always tucked away? So, how's a womyn to know?!! **BG**
