The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27380   Message #335668
Posted By: Lepus Rex
06-Nov-00 - 09:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Steinem on Nader - not what you think!
Subject: RE: BS: Steinem on Nader - not what you think!
Let me ask you, Greg: Are you Gloria Steinem? Or are you Gloria Steinem's husband? And did I attack YOU, personally? I'm guessing that you would answer 'no' to all three of these questions. So I guess I don't see why you're taking it so personally. All I did is state my opinion about Mrs.Steinem. You, on the other hand, DID attack ME personally, for whatever reason. And if that's what flips your switch, knock yourself out. I'm not interested in attacking you, and your attacks against me are meaningless. Who am I? I'm not a famous feminist, or a politician. I have no power. So why waste your 'breath?' You can't discredit me, and you can't change me. I'm not 'real.'

But at least you're not deleting your cookie and flaming me with some lame pseudonym, I guess. So, carry on, or whatever.

Kat, I was thinking more like withered with some wasting disease, but I DO see what you mean, and was afraid it would be taken that way. Shoot. I'll just gather my bits and go now, before you wither them any more... :o

---Lepus Rex ;)