The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27380   Message #335707
Posted By: Art Thieme
06-Nov-00 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Steinem on Nader - not what you think!
Subject: RE: BS: Steinem on Nader - not what you think!
Politics is the art of the possible. I spent years being for the idealistic positions. I was for Eugene McCarty instead of Hubert Humphrey in '68 because McCarthy challenged Lyndon Johnson on the Viet Nam War in the primary elections and forced L.B.J. to drop out.-----It wound up that, me and those like me staying with the third party candidacy of McCarthy, were why Hubert lost the presidency--and why we had to endure Richard Nixon.

Nixon led to his own downfall even though Republicans have blamed us Democrats for being vindictive then. And that, in turn, led to the debacle that was the revenge impeachment of Bill Clinton in recent times.

Art Thieme