The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145166   Message #3357323
Posted By: GUEST,Songbob
30-May-12 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Doc Watson 1923 - 2012
Subject: RE: Obit: Doc Watson 1923 - 2012
I can't help but remember the song he wrote and recorded with his wife, Rosa Lee, "Long Journey."

- - - -

God's given us years of happiness here, but now we must part.
And as the angels come and call for you,
The pains of grief tug at my heart.

Oh my darling
My darling
My heart breaks as you take your long journey

- - - -

An amazing song, and so rooted in home, church, family, and place. If there was ever a more rooted man of music, I don't know who it was.
