The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145166   Message #3357371
Posted By: GUEST,Big Ballad Singer
30-May-12 - 04:36 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Doc Watson 1923 - 2012
Subject: RE: Obit: Doc Watson 1923 - 2012
I was a rap/metal/alternative musical snob until the time I started working at a major bookstore chain's music department. We were allowed to take home the CDs that we played over the store PA. There was a 2-disc Doc Watson anthology in the pile, and I knew it sold at the store for a good price, so I figured I'd take it home and flip it for a few bucks at the local second-hand record shop (remember those?).

Thing is, I saw that the song titles included a few with the word "blues" in them... 'how bad could they be?' I thought.

I cued up the firs disc, and my musical life changed forever.

RIP. Mr. Watson. You deserve the rest.