The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145215   Message #3358286
Posted By: Paul Burke
02-Jun-12 - 05:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Queen Elizabeth Tower
Subject: BS: The Queen Elizabeth Tower
Or Big Ben to most people.

It is reported that British members of parliament have voted to rename the clock tower of the London Houses of Parliament as the Queen Elizabeth Tower, in honour of her heroic and dogged determination to keep King Charles III waiting.

What a gesture! The Queen has nothing to do with the tower, which was built during the reign of Queen Victoria. It costs the MPs nothing, indeed by voting for it they can perhaps justify some of their expenses. Under its current misnomer (Big Ben is actually the bell) is is known and instantly recognised worldwide. A good conman could probably sell it- years ago it would have been to an American, today probably to a newly rich Chinese businessman.

The Romans renamed London Augusta. And how long that lasted.