The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #145078   Message #3358535
Posted By: Bobert
02-Jun-12 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Battles 'Uncommitted' in Primary
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Battles 'Uncommitted' in Primary
They didn't allow these people to do these things... ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) has been busy since the 2010 election... They saw an opportunity to rig elections and in spite of Republicans running on "jobs, jobs, jobs" Republicans have put all their efforts in busting unions, disenfranchising voters and catering to the Pro-Life people...

"Jobs, jobs, jobs" is only for elections... Once elected they never talk about "jobs, jobs, jobs" again other than criticize Obama for not creating enough while knowing it their sandbagging that is keeping the economy from growing... Lowest % of increased government spending in 50 years... That means: no jobs...
